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Wills:What kind of gift should I leave to Leo House ?


There are three main types of gift - or bequests - that you can leave in your Will.



Specific item


This is a gift of property or a physical item such as a piece of jewellery, a painting or an antique.



Cash legacy


Also known as a pecuniary legacy, this a gift of a set amount of money



A proportion of your estate


Also known as a residuary legacy, this is a gift of all or part of what is left of your estate after taxes and debts are paid and all other legacies have been distributed.


It is very important that at least one person or charity should receive the residue of your estate, otherwise the Government will distribute it according to current legislation.


Of course, Leo House is always very happy to receive specific and cash gifts. However, we know that many people prefer to make specific gifts of items and cash to their loved ones and leave the residue to us. And that’s fine by us.


By leaving a proportion of your estate to Leo House it ensures that not only are those you care about are provided for in exactly the way you want, but we also receive much-needed funds to enable us to continue to provide care in the future.

What’s more, because the value of a residuary gift tends to adjust in line with inflation, it means we can receive the support you intended, regardless of changing financial situations.


It all adds up to a very special way of helping local children and their families.








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